Equinox Medicine

Autumn Blessings

Even in the darkest hours there is light - the Equinox reminds us the power of loving both light & dark, challenge & flow, pain & ease, grief & joy.

You Are Enough

If you need to hear a gentle reminder to slow down and bring balance to your life especially as entrepreneurs, mothers, healers, and women-doing-the-work, this episode weaves that wisdom throughout, so I hope you listen here.

Embracing Death & Metamorphosis

This episode of This Wyrd World is the first to have been recorded for YouTube, and features Jacqueline Allen and Tansy's Baigent’s conversation around the energy of death and personal stories of recounting when death came knocking at the door, including a vulnerable recounting by Tansy of her experience of losing her father, followed by two brief retellings, by Jacqueline, of the myths of Persephone and Orpheus and their relationship to the underworld.